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Small Cat  Lucille Rose
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Small Cat  Havendale
Small Cat  havendale (Part2)
Small Cat  Miranda's Garden
Small Cat  the smiling man

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I was sitting in simple wooden chair in a room of a house That

belonged to my step grandparents . cold wood floors Chilled my

bare feet it was cloudy and gloomy through the big Windows the

room was bare of any furniture, walls stained yellow by years Of pipe

and cigarette smoke . Only two pictures remained On the walls I was

Facing of a man and woman in cased in circular frames with A glass

that seemed to dome outward..

I gazed hypnotically at them the woman didn’t seem to do any thing

But the man drew my attention he smiled at me then I frowned and he

Seemed To mimic me with his own frown I stood up and walked to the

pictures I touched them his gentle face was still frozen within.

Then I went to the woman’s she looked older hair up she looked so

Regal and wise . Suddenly,

I heard the door behind me rattle a bit , I turned to look at it, it had a

Window on it peering into darkness. I never liked this door ..

I walked closer to it feeling the hairs on the back of my neck prickle.

It led to a storage space with another door leading to the wash room

And Another bed room. But it was hard to see through the glass in the

dim lit room I kept looking and began to see hands pressing the glass

Then it began to tremble again more violently I screamed bolting for the

The door than entered to the small hallway , it was locked “ OH GOD ! IT WAS

LOCKED!” I tried the one to the joining room and it opened I heard the sound

Of glass breaking behind me , I locked the door and backed away..

Then I bumped in to something I turned with a panicked jerk and saw

Ladies shoes swinging trailing my eyes up the dress I could see it was the

woman in the picture. I ran to the sliding doors that led to the living room

And opened them I looked around to see if it was safe to enter my heart

Pounding and I felt I would pass out any moment . I ran for the front door

But it was jammed I was about to check a window but I heard a stirring

From the hallway I ran between the two columns into the dinning area to

the door of the kitchen .. I didn’t stop till I was at the back door that

Led in to another storage room and the back door that would free me of this

House . As I was walking out to leave some thing dropped in front of me

And knocked me back in side I looked and it was the man in the picture

Hanging up side down with a battered bloody smile .. I screamed with horror

“ OH PLEASE LET THIS BE A NIGHT MARE! “ I ran back in side in my

confusion and shock..

I ran to the bathroom in the hallway It was very dark in this room I managed to

Find A candle and matches almost as if by instinct.. I lit the big candle and

looked around I could hear dripping sounds towards the tub so I shined the

light that way I almost Dropped the candle when I saw the head of a woman

slumped down she lay in Bloody water I spoke to her asking her if she was ok..

When I touch her moist cold Shoulder her head fell back , exposing a slit neck

It was ME!!!!

I dropped the candle when my legs gave out on me, I scooted away as far

away as I could get from the tub as the wall was set ablaze right near a water

heater but I couldn’t move I was to petrified and trembling out of control .

The fire raged on setting the room aglow the smoke got real heavy and I couldn’t

breath . I was going under from the smoke and heat and I saw a vision running

through My mind. A young woman had moved in to be a live maid for the couple,

the wife was Emotionally sick and addicted to morphine so the man needed help

caring for Her so he could work. the man and the maid Fell In love and the

wife found out she slit the woman’s throat as she bathed then she Drugged her

husband and hung him upside down when he woke she beat him to death .

Then she hung herself.

I snapped back to reality to realize I was outside away from the Burning house

laying on the ground I could hear the fire trucks coming in the distance but I

wasn’t Alone knelt by me was the man in the house smiling down at Me his now

gentle face brought me comfort he bent towards me and kissed my Brow. “ I love you ,

good bye “ was whispered in my ear then with the first flash Of a sirens light he had

vanished. I was a teenager and was told not to go Into that house. I was greeted by

my frantic parents and was grounded.. But at least I was alive .. I went to visit that

mans grave I thanked him , I lay A rose on his resting place then I was quiet for a

moment wondering about his past Feeling tied to it some how .. “I LOVE YOU “ was

carried on the breeze and I Felt a wet spot on my cheek . I made a promise that day

that I would return Each year to visit him and I kept it.




I love you my flower ,

My April shower ,

my sun With the rain .

My angel in darkness

You ease my pain ,

You are my light with

Hope to gain.







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Small Witch
Life Lines by Malibu Poetess
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*WELCOME TO MY WORLD* ~ Read my poems full of fact, fiction and fantasy.
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