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 SnowflakesanddiamondsforJesus    -- Writers keep all copyrights.    9264 Items Read
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Writer: poemsofloveandfaith


This site is dedicated to my father and grandfather who guided me in my times in the mountains of Utah, the great rockies that have become my home. They were teachers of all the rugged ways of living in the wild and majestic mountains of my home town. I have been on the highest peaks of the Wasatch mountains and traveled some of the dryest deserts in search of my roots and the ways that my father and grandfather knew so well. Some of these stories will be of being with them on these adventures and most in my search as a man on my own. Hunting, fishing, skiing and hiking. Then just to find some of the most majestic animals on the planet like the Rocky Mountain Sheep that will take you to the highest of peaks in the mountains above my home.

I hope you enjoy your visit and my stories........

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