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 AJ1Dream Chronicles    -- Writers keep all copyrights.    1641 Items Read
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Writer: lifedreams

"AJ1Dream Chronicles"

Tragedy Turns Reality


Its Friday night on the Northeast side of Baltimore 1:13 am, three bothers, two are twins 15 years old and the other brother is 17 years old. They were walking in the cold freezing shadows of a quiet neighborhood. All you could hear that night was the heavy breathing from their nervousness. Their muscles started to tighten; their hands were warm and pounding from the rush as they approached their prey. As the oldest brother spotted the victim, he pulled out a long black steel object from under his coat. 




Time to man up boys, it’s our time, he asked, who wants to do the honors? Holding out a long black steel object visible for one of the brothers to grab it.


The First Twin KAISER


                                    Me. I want to do it.


He spoke with a soft cracking voice; hands sweating profusely as he extended his arm and hand out to brace the cold steel handle.




                                    Do it just like I showed you how. I will talk you though it.


As Carl tries quickly to rap his fingers around the grip area to perform the uneasy and rigorous task of forcing his will upon his desire; Lazier the second twin is apprehensively looking out for unwanted guest. His head moving consistently from left to right, up and down the street.



                                    Hurry up.


At a whisper, but rusty voice. Simultaneously the oldest brother said,




Put the screwdriver in the keyhole; turn it towards the body panel. Jerk and wiggle the screwdriver; it should loosen-up in the hole.




Yeah, Yeah, I know rotate it clockwise and counter-clockwise.


 At that moment, a hallow pop sound interrupted them; Kaiser looked up at his older brother with one of those Christmas grins and a piercing gleam. Kaiser then opened the driver side door and unlocked the rest of the doors. Lazier ran to the car and got in the back seat. The Oldest Brother hops in the driver seat; Kaiser jogs around to the passenger seat.




                    Give me the screwdriver, so I can pop the tilt (ignition).


In last then 30 seconds the “89” Honda Accord was pulling off with Lazier, Kaiser, with their Older Brother in it. For a couple of hours, the three were joy riding, each taking a turn, until, 




    Yo, the police!




                                       Chill, he been on us for the last two blocks.


At 3:20 a.m. it had begun to rain; the streets was becoming wet and slick. The car started picking up speed. The rain instantly went from a light rain to a merciless and relentless down pour; beating on the cars like little pebbles or nickels and dimes hitting on metal. The police sirens went on; one twin looked at the other; then towards their brother.  




Pull over Cameron; pull over!


Immediately, the car began to weave, the tires unable to gain traction gliding as if the car was a skater on ice out of control. The downpour of rain blurred Cameron’s vision; the oldest bother could not see what is up ahead.    


5 o’clock that morning, the Channel 2 anchorwoman would reveal the events that had occurred earlier that morning.     




We have breaking news; there have been a trouble accident approximately 3:45 am this morning in Northeast Baltimore. Three people were in a car that went off of an embankment; one pronounced dead the other two was flown to Shock Trauma.

As the news continued, they went to a reporter on the scene.  




 I talked with an officer on sight and he stated, “One of our officers was in pursuit of three suspects possibly driving a stolen vehicle, which led to the vehicle in pursuit to plunge into an embankment”. 




After interviewing an officer on the force, it was determined that the deceased driver Cameron Smith age 17, lost control of the vehicle in pursuit which lead to this tragic death.


As the reporter continued to convey information about this case, Madeline Smith (Anchorwoman) felt a jilting sensation in the pit of her stomach. As she slowly realized that the deceased male was in fact her oldest son.




 Madeline, I have more information regarding one of the other suspects, it has just been reported that the suspect Kaiser Smith has just died while being transferred to shock Trauma.


As the sun peaked through the clouds on a calm Saturday morning, Madeline after tossing and turning for hours was faced with the harsh reality that this tragedy was all a dream. 









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